Our Emergency Covid-19 Response is Saving Lives Today and Building for the Future.
Now, more than ever, we need your support.
Covid-19 is, as we speak, ripping through the heart of indigenous communities the world over like a plague and devastating lives. Over half of indigenous people suffer from chronic malnutrition. Should the virus reach the remotest communities, the consequences will be catastrophic if we don't take action now. In Guatemala, after over three months of lockdown and with parents unable to work to feed their families, Mayan children line the streets and highways waving white flags to signal hunger. We simply cannot sit back and watch as they slowly starve. AMOR is delivering vital food and medical supplies to isolated, disadvantaged Mayan communities cut off from supplies at immediate risk of starvation. We are also training young indigenous women as Community health Volunteers to serve their communities using traditional health knowledge and building indigenous health security during Covid-19 and beyond. But we urgently need your help.